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A national network of academics working on
Nuclear Threat Reduction (NTR) research

NTR-Net is a new initiative formed to organise, develop and work on advanced academic programmes that will enhance the activities of the UK’s Nuclear Threat Reduction Programme (NTR).

NTR-Net’s scope will include:

  • Research
  • Training
  • Communications
  • Skills development
The network will also address national security priorities such as counter terrorism and non-proliferation. In undertaking this work, the network will support and build upon NuSec (Nuclear Security Science Network) and NuFOR (Nuclear Forensics).

The challenge

In an increasingly volatile work, preparedness is vital. It is essential for the UK, along with its global partners, to have robust and reliable capabilities in place to address future nuclear security challenges. These include the threat of nuclear terrorism and the possibility of non-compliance with current or future treaty obligations.

Much work still needs to be done. Key scientific challenges remain in the areas of nuclear arms control verification, nuclear detection and nuclear forensics – challenges that NTR-Net will address.

Arms control verification also plays a central role in the UK’s fulfilment of its obligations to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and its desire to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons.

“Ukraine hosted one of the greatest inventories of highly radioactive sources in the world, the location of which cannot now be verified.”

Nuclear Security it the Black Sea Region, Stockholm International Peace Institute (SIPRI), July 2022

“US splashes $290m on
anti-radiation drugs as Putin ups nuclear threats”

The Telegraph
For more information about NTR-Net, please get in touch with Estelle Talfan Davies at
Full website coming soon